Wedding & Event Agreement Form

Hello!! Once you submit this agreement, you will be taken to the payments & retainers page to set it in stone!

  • The contracting party.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please let me know both name of venue and the city it is in.
  • Of course, proper etiquette dictates that "the help" shouldn't be fed before all of the guests are served... BUT if I am fed last, in most cases the reception has moved forward and there are photos to be taken by the time I am handed a plate. Please let your coordinator or caterer know this.
  • Client has unlimited printing rights. Editing refers to altering an image taken by Heather Photographers with editing software including but not limited to adding filters, skin enhancements, colorizing or making B&W, etc. In some cases, the cropping of an image may require photographer approval. It is best to not crop an image more than 20% or so.
  • Although, it is highly advised that special ceremonies are "Device-Free" to encourage witnessing & experiencing it.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.